Essential oil perfection for labour and birth! Its got all the old favourites for birthing. Clary Sage, Jasmine & Lavender to calm and progress through labour. Cedarwood, Geranium & Ylang Ylang to boost confidence and ground you within the moments of labour.
Chosen to support your body, calm and focus your senses for labour.
Instantly transform any place into the ideal labour space. Essential oils can completely change the mood and energy of a room and the Birth Mama Mist is designed to support, enhance and get you down to birth.
Clary Sage | Jasmine | Lavender | Cedarwood | Geranium | Ylang Ylang
Spray as needed, not to be inhaled.
Shake well before use, do not spray directly on furnishings, naked flames or heat sources.
Keep away from eyes and face. Always check with a care provider prior to use.
Aromatherapy For Birth | from Birthplace
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